Found in "Courses"
Creating your own course plan - please read the whole page before starting
Students have the ability to create a course plan that helps them reach their milestones that they have set for themselves for their future.
Learning Areas show all the Learning Areas/Departments in the school - have a look (grid view is best)
Recommended Courses show all the courses you can choose (If you want to choose a course outside of this list, you have to apply - see info below)
Favourite courses are courses that you are planning to take in future or that will count towards your career goals.
My Selected Courses are the courses you have selected for next year
Deadline for final selection of your course for 2025:
Students going into Yr 13 = Friday 23rd August at 3.30pm
Students going into Yr 12 = Friday 23rd August at 3.30pm
Students going into Yr 11 = 20th September at 3.30pm
Students going into Yr 10 = 20th September at 3.30pm
New Year 9 students in 2025 = Friday 20th September at 3.30pm
How to choose my Courses:
Basic Steps: Find your Course > Save as a favourite > Or save as a selected course
Full instructions will be emailed to you.
1. Navigate to "Learning Areas" on the left- this gives you an overview of all subjects - have a look at courses you find interesting. Each course includes useful information such as course description, pathways and recommended prior learning.
2. Navigate to " Recommended Courses" on the left - this shows you the courses that you have the prerequisites for, and can add to your favourites/selected courses.
3. Click on the course that meets your requirements - you will see the details of the course and 4 buttons.
4. Click on the "Add to your Favourites Courses" button to add this course to your favourite list. Click the same button to view a list of your Favourite Courses. Click on the name of the course to go back and then the “Remove from my favourites” to remove it.
5. Click on the "+ Select as one of my Courses" button to add this course to your Selected list. Click the same button to remove it (you will need to confirm the deletion).
6. Click on the "View Courses for me" To view the courses you can select - this list has ‘stars’ to show your favourites and ‘ticks’ to show your selected courses.
7. If you wish to choose a subject that is outside the "Recommended courses', you can navigate to the course via "Learning Areas" and then apply for an exception to do the course.
7. When you have finished selecting all your courses and you do not want to make any further changes, navigate to “My Selected Courses” on the left - you will get a final screen of your choices. You can oder your choices by clicking on 'select course priority order' then dragging the tile of 6 dots on the left hand side to your priority order. When everything is finished you need to click “Complete My Courses”.
Some things to note:
If you are a year 9 student and you wish to do Year 10 Te Reo Māori:
You must have done a trimester course in Te Reo Māori in Year 9, or have a background of Te Reo Māori. The full year Year 10 Te Reo Māori course is required to study Year 11 Te Reo Māori in 2025, so Year 10 Te Reo Māori will take up two out of your four options.
If you are a year 9 student and you wish to do Year 10 Spanish :
You must have done a trimester course in Spanish in Year 9. The full year Year 10 Spanish course is required to study Year 11 Spanish in 2025, so Year 10 Spanish will take up two out of your four options. As a special consideration for 2025, any student who studied a trimester of Yr 9 French is able to choose Yr 10 Spanish
If you are a native speaker of French Chinese, Japanese, Samoan or German and you want to maintain your cultural links, you may be able to study your home language by correspondence through Te Kura at NCEA Levels 1 to 3. If the subject will be one of your timetabled classes, you can do internals and externals and there will be a space in school for you to complete the correspondence work. If you want to do the subject as an extra subject, we strongly recommend you only do the externals. You will need to apply for an exemption to do any of these Te Kura courses and you will also need to have a full discussion with Mrs Hamling about your choice - please make an appointment time to see Mrs Hamling.
Acceleration: Acceleration is possible for a very small number of students who have shown exceptional ability. The school usually identifies such students and students may also apply for acceleration if they feel they are exceptional in a subject. There needs to be evidence for such a request and the school will need to approve the request.
- If you are a year 9 student in 2024 and you wish to apply for acceleration in 2025: Please select your year 10 subjects, then also go into the yr 11 subject you want to be accelerated in, and apply for an exemption. When you do this, you will need to (a) write a reason for applying and (b) you will also need to let us know which course you would like to swop for the accelerated course. Single subject acceleration is not usual and the school will need to approve such a request. Some students are identified for whole-year acceleration in term 4 based on teacher recommendation. You will need to have a conversation with Mrs Hamling.
- If you are a year 10 or year 11 student in 2024 and you wish to apply for acceleration in 2025: Please select all your following year's subjects, then also go into the higher level subject and apply for an exemption. When you do this, you will need to (a) write a reason for applying and (b) you will also need to let us know which course you would like to swop for the accelerated course. Single subject cceleration is not usual and the school will need to approve such a request. You will need to have a conversation with Mrs Hamling
- If you are a year 12 student in 2024 and have completed a year 13 course in 2024, then please choose your five subjects as usual. If you wish to be considered to do a university course, you will need to have a discussion with Mrs Hamling.