Year 9 Drama

Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Mohekey.

What will I learn?

You will grow in confidence, independent work habits, literacy, thinking and teamwork skills through participation in Drama. The work will range from improvisation games to scripted theatre performances and there will be optional trips to theatre productions offered to Drama students. 

You use Drama techniques to communicate and create character; use elements and conventions to create Drama scenes and narrative; and learn about the technical and production aspects of theatre. This course involves both practical and written work and the emphasis is on getting to know each other and having fun through working together.

Course Outline: 

First unit - Developing improvisation skills using theatresports and Drama games. 

You will get to know other students and progress your use of acting techniques through playing whole class games and learn how to play some theatresports games such as "Why are you late?", "Party Quirks" and "The Dating Game".

Second unit - Participating in a major Drama production with a role in one of two large cast plays - there will be a range of roles available, from small parts to leads. 

You will learn how to become a character and how to interact with others on stage to communicate ideas and information. The performance will be intimate theatre and use stage lighting, sound, props and costumes. Your whānau and friends will be invited to attend an evening show. 

What should I have already done?

There are no prerequisites. Just be prepared to join in, learn through being involved and enjoy yourself.

Course Contribution

There are often optional trips to theatre performances offered during the year.



Courses will only run based on minimum entries

Selecting a course does not guarantee entry into this course

You may apply for an exemption if you do not meet the prerequisite of a course or if the course requires this for entry

Standards offered can be altered at the discretion of the HOD of the Department

Some standards in NCEA courses might be optional depending on student strengths

Course contribution may vary slightly by the start of 2025