Level 1 English Language Learning

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. Inoue.

This course is designed for students whose first language is not English.  You will learn to read narrative and basic texts, to write narrative and information texts and to extend social and basic vocabulary in English.

Notes: There is the possibility of extracurricular trips to support writing assessments.

Where does it lead Students will move on to English Language Proficient Level.

What should I have already done?

English Language levels are based on diagnostic tests. Entry is by invitation only.

Course Contribution

No cost.


This course is designed for students whose first language is not English. You will learn to read narrative and basic texts, to write narrative and information texts and to extend social and basic vocabulary in English.

Notes: There is the possibility of extracurricular trips to support writing assessments.

Assessment Information

Students sit a variety of Unit Standards throughout the year covering reading, speaking and writing skills.

Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

Total Credits Available: 5
Internal Assessed Credits: 5
External Assessed Credits: 0
Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
U.S. 31005 v2

Read and understand a range of simple English language written texts independently

Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
Credit Summary
Total Credits: 5
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0


Courses will only run based on minimum entries

Selecting a course does not guarantee entry into this course

You may apply for an exemption if you do not meet the prerequisite of a course or if the course requires this for entry

Standards offered can be altered at the discretion of the HOD of the Department

Some standards in NCEA courses might be optional depending on student strengths

Course contribution may vary slightly by the start of 2025